Project teams often find themselves executing repetitive work in relation to drafting, data entry, and coordination. If you have ever thought that there must be a better way, or your ears perk up when you hear the phrase "there's an app for that," this will retain your attention. We’ll explore the common, daily uses of Dynamo extension for Revit software to improve project team efficiency, and we’ll illustrate how you can create graphs that are functional across multiple disciplines, are project agnostic, and will win you praise at your office. Through the exploration and application of practical Dynamo-for-Revit workflow concepts, project teams can anticipate improved efficiency and productivity through various phases of the project. Dynamo provides its users with the ability to extend BIM (Building Information Modeling) by employing data and logic via a graphical algorithm editor. Because Dynamo is an open-source tool, a community of users contributes to its continuous improvement.
Key Learnings
- Learn how to generate graphs in a clear and organized fashion to make them intuitive for team members to use
- Learn how to apply Dynamo for Revit for managing data
- Discover the application of Dynamo for Revit for automating object placement and manipulation
- Learn how to increase the applicable functionality of graphs across multiple disciplines