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Managing and Coordinating Dynamo on a Company-Wide Scale

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    Dynamo gives us the ability to develop complex and detailed programming solutions to problems that can be conceived in a simple-to-use environment by someone with minimal or no programming experience whatsoever. But in a large organization, it can be difficult to manage and coordinate how these graphs are produced, checked, and distributed efficiently. We might have small isolated pockets of staff creating their own bespoke graphs, and we might have another contingent unaware of the utilities at their disposal. Or the same graphs or mini-routines are being constantly rewritten. With this in mind, and to constantly develop our businesses effectively and get the most out of Dynamo, we must ensure that the software is used efficiently and isn’t seen as a gimmick or something that can be adding extra time or cost to a project. It is imperative that we employ suitable systems, workflows, and procedures to manage these issues. This presentation will investigate the methods we could adopt to achieve this.

    Key Learnings

    • Learn how to decide which problems are suitable for being developed into a Dynamo graph
    • Learn about how to check and validate code and ensure that it’s error free
    • Learn about how we manage, store, and distribute our graphs, and ensure that they’re being used and created efficiently
    • Learn how to promote the use of Dynamo within your organization
